October 20 - 22, 2017

Fall Foliage Tour

Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Written by: Ulli Ziegenfuß (Translated by: Tiffany Olejnik)

When the club president of the DMA, Tiffany Olejnik, visited our Deutschland DeLorean Club meeting in Flensburg, we became friends. After the meeting, we stayed in contact. Since I wanted to vacation in Florida at the end of October, she asked me if I would like to make a little detour via New York to be part of this tour. Since I had not booked my flights yet and my calendar was open, I agreed.

I landed in Newark on Thursday night and Tiffany picked me up from the airport. The following day, we had a small day trip through Manhattan. In the evening, the first participants of the tour met for a leisurely dinner at the Pocono Brewing Company in Swiftwater, Pennsylvania.

The next day, the vehicles collected in the parking lot of a local CVS. The Officers searched for a beautiful trail through the forests of Pennsylvania, more specifically along the Delaware Water Gap. In glorious golden October weather, we drove went through the colorful deciduous forests. The route was similar to juxtaposed paintings.

The first stage led to the winery, Alba Vineyard, which was hosting a wine festival. There, we took our group photos in the parking lot and then headed inside to try the local wines, which surprisingly tasted very good! We also had the opportunity to get some food at one of the numerous food trucks and lay in the grass in the sun to relax a bit until it was onto the second stage... the Lost River Caverns.

These stalactite caves were discovered in 1883 during the mining of limestone. Their name comes from a river that flows through the caves. Despite scientific research, people still do not know where the water is coming from and where it's going, so thus the name, "lost river".

After visiting the caves, we continued on our beautiful route for dinner at the Stroudsmoor Country Inn. After getting our fill from the buffet, the 25th anniversary of the club was once again celebrated in a presentation by Vice-President Kevin Abato. Former Presidents and Officers were honored and past events reminisced. I was also personally mentioned and thanked for visiting. It is a rare experience for a DeLorean owner from abroad to attend a DMA gathering. In the course of the evening, I had some discussions with a few members about the German DeLorean scene.

I found a game particularly nice for the wives of the DeLorean drivers, who are usually the "leaders" when their men conduct the typical tech-related conversations. In a trivia quiz, they had to prove how well they can listen and answer simple questions about the DeLorean. For example: what is the husband's DeLorean VIN number… How many DeLoreans were painted at the factory… How many model years are there, etc. Special thanks to Daniel Scarpati for capturing the fun in the video below!

After dessert, another attraction was announced. A few of us drove to Mazezilla, a huge cornfield maze. Not only did we have to find our way out of the corn field, but we also had to find points within the corn field to collect stamps on our personal card. The small group I was in did not find all the stamps after nearly two hours, so unfortunately it got darker and colder, we gave up, but still had plenty of fun!

The next morning, after breakfast, some participants made their way home, so we had a smaller group. For the rest of us, we took a drive to Big Pocono State Park. From Pocono Mountain, we had a wonderful panoramic view over the forests of Pennsylvania.

In total, 65 participants and 25 DeLoreans were present at this event. I had a lot of fun and I would do it again at any time! As a DeLorean driver you were immediately included in the Mid-Atlantic "family". It felt almost like our own Deutschland club meeting, just a great community!

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We host four events per year that attract crowds from all over the region. This includes our Spring Social tech session, Summer Fun Run and Fall Foliage Driving Tours, and Winter Holiday Party. Check out our upcoming events for sign-up information.

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