
The DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club is an independent DeLorean club serving the middle Atlantic states of the USA. Enthusiasts all over the world are welcome to become members. Owning a DeLorean is not required to participate! Membership includes you and one guest.


  • Attend our annual events including the Spring Social, Summer Fun Run, Fall Foliage Tour and Holiday Party*
  • Complimentary door adjustments and car inspection at our Spring Social**
  • Learn about DeLorean ownership and history with access to tech sessions and guest speakers at club events
  • Third-party DeLorean rental requests are forwarded through our mailing list
  • "Members Only" Facebook Group

$15 per year

Please use the form below to start, or renew your club membership.

Payment provides membership from Jan 1 thru Dec 31.
Payment made after Oct 1 provides membership thru the following year

You will be redirected to checkout with PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to complete payment

If you would like to pay by check, please email the officers and we'll provide you the details.

As a member of the DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Members and their guests release the DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club and its officers & directors from any and all liability for loss or injury relating to every event sponsored by the DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club.
  2. Members and their guests release the sponsors of any DeLorean Mid-Atlantic activity from any and all liability for loss or injury.
  3. Members and their guests release the DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club, its officers and directors and all its members from any and all liability for advice and assistance in the maintenance of any automotive vehicle. All advice and assistance is at the member's own risk.
  4. The member and their guests agree that participation in activities related to the DeLorean Mid-Atlantic Club is at their own risk.
  5. The DMA can can use your likeness or photos taken at events for non-profit club use.

** Inspections are for the primary paid member only

If you have any questions, please contact the officers at